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โ€ข๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐— ๐˜†๐˜๐—ตโ€“๐—ฆ๐˜๐˜‚๐—ฑ๐˜† ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜€

โ€ข๐—ช๐—ต๐—ผ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—น๐—น ๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—จ๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ฒ

ยฐยฐยฐ๐—ฃ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜ ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ฒยฐยฐยฐ

One day our Earth is going explode and vanish!!

My dear friend, yeah the one whoโ€™s reading this right nowโ€“ have you ever wondered where are you living in this cosmic scale of SpaceTime? Have you ever thought about how this Earthโ€“that youโ€™re living was created? Have you ever wondered that how the Sun came to an exit? Have you ever looked up at the sky at the dark nights with the some Instrumental music in your cellphone and wondered how those Stars that you can see created?? Havenโ€™t you ever wondered how this Universe began?

You know whatโ€“when I was just entered in a teenage these questions used to make me think deep in my hundreds of thoughts, I was really fascinated in these secrets of Universe. Then I began to search them in Relegious books, bcz when I used to ask such questions with older people around meโ€“they always used to answer after our long discussionโ€“ยฐยฐGod created everythingยฐยฐ !! I wanted to know what exactly is God. Every single people used to define God in their own viewโ€“as a teenager when I asked them and even until these days everyone has their unique definition of God. I always refuse to believe them. I refused to trust in anyone elseโ€™s Faith bcz what you believe to be trueโ€“is it really True? Or you just believe it is True because that your parents, teachers, religion, older ladies and gentlemen have said you and you never looked for further isnโ€™t it? I know that very very well because Faith means a trust in something or to believe in something that you really donโ€™t know about it and never aware of it. So, fuck everyoneโ€™s Faith on ยฐGodยฐ because everyone out there going to define ยฐGodยฐ differently. If you believe them all then youโ€™ll encounter 7billion Gods, lmaoโ€ฆ

Image: Ozul Tirich wondering in his deep mind--just after the philosophical discussion about the end of the world with his collegues on august 23, 2022 at kathmandu Nepal.

We should not believe everything we see, hear, touch, smell and feel! We should go beyond that!!Human mind is designed by nature to think and explore the infinity. Ozul Tirich

Did you notice what I just said ?โ€“E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G we believe is based on what we hear, what is said around us, what is said to us, what is conditioned (programmed) into us by our parents, our teachers, our friends, our siblings and our society as a whole, when we are children. But I refused to believe all those motherfuckers and began to search for Truthโ€“ the absolute Truth. I searched my answers in Relegious books, Philosophies, Scientific World. Then I choosed to go further deep in Philosophy and Physics, because Physics not only theoritically-mathematically reveals the secrets but also experimentally-observationally proves them all ! I wasnโ€™t happy with the different ideas on the beginning of Universe on Philosophy. Aristotle, the most famous of the Greek philosophers, believed that the universe had existed for ever. Something eternal is more perfect than something created. He suggested the reason we see progress was the Floods, or other natural disasters, had repeatedly set civilization back to the beginning. I also noticed those who believed that the Universe had a begining used it as an argument for the existence of God as the first cause, or prime mover, of the Universe. During my earlier teenage days I began to research and dived in the research-studies in all of the different perspectives of the different people and I enjoy different unique viewsโ€“this is the another fuel to my curiosity. You know what? The Chinese used to believe and some of them still believes that the Universe began with a hug egg (not a human testicle) and within it, two forces known as Ying and Yang created the god ยฐPhan Kuยฐ, who in turn became the universe. You wonโ€™t believe when I heard the name ยฐPhun Kuยฐ i find it most funny that I farted loudly in my classroom in my school because of the hard version of Laughing! I can still remember that teachers had put me in separate room for isolation. Anyway I also looked further in Hindu Religion for my answers, Hindus have several creation myths, one of these myths states that universe began when the ocean gave birth to a golden egg from with brahma, the creator of the Universe emerged, by the way I love the mystic personality of Lord Shiva even his Angry mystic personality is my role model, check my comment box Iโ€™ve given a link of my past article โ€“read that one.I also researched in Mexican histories and myths, I found that the Aztecs of Mexico had a rather violent myth. They believed that the Universe was created when a goddess was ripped apart by two other gods creating the Earth and the Sky and according to Christians, God created the universe in six days, and rested on 7th day, this myth of christians had fucked my mind for several days because if he wanted to create the universe why did he take an Infinite time to create the humans and other creatures? Why did he wait Infinite time to create the universe? What was God doing before he made the Universe? Was he busy fucking with his girlfriends? Or was he preparing hell for the people who ask such questions??

Anyway these old myths are really fascinating, I really enjoyed all of them even they didnโ€™t make any sense to me. So now the real question is How was the Universe began? How was it Created? My dear atomicโ€“wavic friends, Iโ€™ll be explaining my approach on Scientifically Proven conceptยทยท Prepare to bear with me, because the real craziness is yet to come. Iโ€™ll see you in the next blog.


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